Get Ray’s Perennial Ryegrass for $2.34 per pound!
Sometimes new is better. This is not Granddad’s ryegrass. Remarkable yields, and superior feed quality. Fast to germinate and establish. #1 in recent field trials! Super palatable and digestible.
Perennial Ryegrass is the most widely used grass for grazing in the world because of its aggressive growth and high forage quality. With proper management and high fertility, perennial ryegrass can be persistent for 5-7 years. This grass can be used for pasture and hay and is often mixed with alfalfa, clovers, and other grasses. Perennial Rye has one of the highest forage qualities of cool season grasses.
Planting Depth: .25”-.5”
Planting Rates: 30-40 lbs per acre, in mixes Perennial Rye should be less than 20% of mix.
Planting Dates: Mar-May, Aug-Sep
*Product ships in 50 pound bag
Perennial ryegrass can be sown by its self or sown in mixtures with legumes or other cool season grasses. Broadcast sowing into thin stands can be successful but no-till drilling is the recommended method to thicken existing stands. Plants are ready for harvesting when they no longer can be pulled out by the roots.
Perennial Rye has a wide range of adaptability to soils, but thrives best on fertile soils with a pH between 5.5-6.5. This grass produces well in regions having a more mild climate as it does not withstand hot, dry weather or sever winters. It will withstand fairly wet soils with decent soil drainage.
Successful use of perennial ryegrass requires aggressive management and high fertility. Intensively managed pastures are a great place to use perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass makes excellent haylage or bailage, but does not dry well for hay. Residual heights can be lower with perennial ryegrass compared to other grasses. Grazing down to about 2 inches in spring and fall is optimum but we find leaving higher residual of at least 3 inches in the summer helps persistence and overall productivity of the stand. Ryegrass is generally cut for hay when seed heads start to emerge. Allowing 7 to 10 inches of regrowth between grazing's will benefit yield and persistence. On new seedings, harvest or grazing should be delayed until plants are 10 to 12 inches tall.
Perennial ryegrass is a bunchgrass which grows from 1’-2’ tall, and has medium longevity. There are numerous long, narrow, stiff leaves near the base of the plant. The under surfaces of leaves are bright, glossy and smooth. Inflorescence stems are nearly naked. Seed heads are spikes with spikelets growing edgewise to the seed head stem. Seeds do not have awns (bristles). There are approximately 227,000 seeds per pound.
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