Top Hat Timothy

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Sale price$132 Regular price$299
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Top Hat Timothy at $2.64 per pound.


One of our FAVORITES! Up to 30 years of production!

Due to its palatability and extreme winter hardiness, our Top Hat Timothy is our latest heading cool season perennial. Due to having a low uptake of minerals it is suited well as dry cow hay. Keep in mind that due to its shallow root system Timothy allows for great spring production with less productivity in heat and drought. Even with a shallow root system, Timothy does well on heavy, wet, and peaty soils. Timothy is adapted well to a cool and humid climate.

Planting Depth: .25”-.50” in a very firm seedbed.

Planting Rates: 8-10 lbs per acre in pure stands and 4-6 lbs per acre in mixes

Planting Dates: Mar-May with 6 weeks from seeding date to summer drought, Aug-Sep with 6 weeks from seeding date to first killing frost.

*Product ships in 50 lb bag


In the South, Timothy is often Fall planted as a cover crop, harvested or grazed in the spring and then killed off to make way for spring crops. Timothy is usually seeded in mixtures with legumes. This mixture may be drilled with a small grain drill. If planted with a winter grain, Timothy is seeded with it, and the legume is planted early the following spring. Timothy will grow for a time on soils low in fertility, but is better adapted to a high fertility soil. It is not well adapted to wet, flat land where water stands for a period of time. Under limited moisture conditions, it does not tolerate drought or prolonged high temps due to its poor recovery. However, Timothy is very winter hardy and has a high tolerance to cold.


Timothy is highly responsive to fertilizers, which should be applied frequently in ample quantities. Fertilizer, especially nitrogen, is important when legumes have almost disappeared from the hay or pasture mixture. Timothy stands do not persist well under grazing. Timothy can be initially grazed before jointing and again between early head to full head. Cut to a minimum height of 3 inches or more.




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